Prénom :Tsutomu
Titre :Prof. Kyôto Université
Université et laboratoire de rattachement :Graduate School of Human & Environmental Studies
Disciplines :Architecture, Anthropologie de l’espace culturel, Histoire des urbanismes modernes

Fonctions : Enseignant
Etablissement d’enseignement : Université de Kyôto
Doctorat : oui.

Adresse professionnelle :
Nihonmatsu-cho, yosida, sakyo, 606-8501, Kyoto
E-mail :

Thématiques et périodes des principaux travaux de recherche :
1. Histoire d’Urbanisme moderne concernant Kyoto et Okinawa occupé: les deux capitaux dans le territoire Nippon
2. Espace culturel à Ryukyu ou Okinawa
3. Théorie sur l’espace architectural et culturel

Langues pratiquées :
Japonais, Français et Anglais

Bibliographie complète :

(liste ouvrages et articles accompagnée de résumés en anglais et en japonais) :

Ouvrages & participation à des ouvrages collectifs  :

  • Ryukyu, a cross point in histories and cultures in the Eastern Asia 琉球 交叉する歴史と文化 (a part of book) Edited by Kohichi SHIMAMURA, Bensei Publishing, Tokyo, January 2014
  • Phenomenology of Habitation: Complete works by Tamakoshi Yoshio, すまいの現象学:玉腰芳夫建築論集,Iyori & Nishigaki Editors,Chuou-Kouron-Bijutsu-Publishing, Tokyo, (Text : in Japanaese), November, 2013
  • History of Ancient Ryukyu 沖縄県史各論編 古琉球 (a part of Book), published by the Educational Commission of Okinawa Prefecture, February 2010
  • Dictionary of Architectural Theory 建築論事典 (a part of Book) Shokoku-sha Publishing, Tokyo, September 2008
  • Modern Kyoto Studies 近代京都研究 Maruyama, Iyori & Takagui Editors, (Text: in Japanese) August 2008
  • Dictionary of Okinawan Folklore 沖縄民俗辞典 (a part of Book) Yoshikawa-Kobunkan Publishing, Tokyo, July 2008
  • Miyako (Ancient Capital) in Modern Age みやこの近代 Maruyama, Iyori & Takagui Editors, (Text: in Japanese) March 2008
  • Structure & Meaning in Human Settlement  (a part of book) Act of International Syposium held in October 2000 at Pennsylvania University, edited by J. Rykwert & T.  Atkin, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeoogy and Anthropology November 2005
  • Studies on Divine & Human Environment in Ryukyu Rituals 琉球祭祀空間の研究 Publication, aided by the Japan Society for Promotion of Science in 2004, won the following Prizes: The IFA FUYU Prize, for the Year 2005, The KIMURA SHIGENOBU Prize for Ethno-Art Studies, for the Year 2005 and The 11th annual Prize for Architectural History Studies, for the Year 2006,Chuou-Kouron-Bijutsu-Publishing, Tokyo (Text : in Japanaese) April, 2005
  • Patrimoine architectural et paysage urbain, Act of Franco-Japanese Symposium on Modern architecture in Historical Townscape, held on May27, 2003 in Kyoto
    Kashima Publishing Association (Text : in Japanaese) 2004.12
  • Anthologie critique de la theorie architecturale japonaise  (a part of book) Yann Nussaume editor, Ousia, Bruxelles, 2004.05
  • Patrimoine architectural et Creation contemporaine, Proceedings of Franco-Japanese symposium on the City of Future 2003, (Text : in French/ Japanese) 2003.5.27
  • Studies on Modern Kyoto: Transmutation from Imperial City to a provincial Town 近代京都研究:みやこから一地方都市への軌跡 Scientific Research Report  (responsible:Iyori) : Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B-2) 1999-2001 (Text : in Japanaese) 2002.3
  • Restauration of the proto-modern Culture in Kume Island, Okinawa, through the recently discovered archives of several old families 前近代久米島文化の復元 T. Yokoyama (ed.), Scientific Research Report : Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 1999-01, presented to the Ministry of Education,  (Text : in Japanaese) 2002.3
  • How a townscape could be re-established in Kyoto in the Century to come? 京都 都市景観の再生 (a part of Book) Institute of Architecture, Japan September 2001
  • Historical Spaces read through the Maps 地図と歴史空間 (a part of Book) committee of redaction for the publication in memory of Professor Ashikaga (ed.), Taimei-Do, Tokyo, (Text : in Japanaese) 2000.8
  • Logique du lieu et dépassement de la modernité, 2 vols (a part of Book) Augustin Berque (ed.), Collection Recueil (dir. par Philippe Nys), no.12, Editions OUSIA, Bruxelles, 2000
  • Ecologie et Milieu Humain (a part of Book) Jean Englebert (ed.), Editions du CEJUL (Centre d’Etudes Japonaises de l’Universite de Liege, Liege, 1999
  • Studies on Cultural Fusionning in case of Kume-Island in Okinawa 久米島における東アジア諸文化の媒介事象に関する総合的研究 (a part of Book) T. Yokoyama (ed.), Scientific Research Report : Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 1996-98, presented to the Ministry of Education, (Text : in Japanaese)  1999
  • Space Analysis on the Ancient Ryukyu Kingdom’s Annual Rituals in the Royal Palace of Shuri and in Kudaka Island 琉球王国首里城祭祀・久高島祭祀の空間論的研究 Scientific Research Report : Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 1992-94, presented to the Ministry of Education, (Text : in Japanaese) 1999
  • Le paysage de l’espace urbain Grout & Iyori (ed.), Editions in situ, Enghien-les Bains, France, 1998
  • Studies on Architectural Places 建築的場所の研究 (a part of Book) M. Maekawa (ed.), Chuo-Koron-Bijutsu Publishing Company, Tokyo, (Text : in Japanaese) 1998
  • Maitrise de la Ville: Urbanite francaise, Urbanite nippone 2 (a part of Book) A. Berque (ed.), Collection Etudes japonaises 2, Editions de l’E.H.E.S.S., 1994
  • Images of Life-Environment 環境イメージ論 (a part of Book) Furukawa et al. (ed.), Kohbun-Do, Tokyo, (Text : in Japanaese) 1992
  • Descriptive Geometry, 2 vols 図学 上下巻 co-published with Y. Tamakoshi, Nakanishiya Publishing Co., Kyoto, (Text : in Japanaese) 1984; revised edition in 1996 & 2000
  • Prototypes of Spaces in Life-Environment 空間の原型 (a part of Book) Ueda et al. (ed.), Chikuma-Shobo, Tokyo, (Text : in Japanaese) 1983