Prénom : Hajime

Titre ou fonction : 
Université et laboratoire de rattachement : Hiroshima University/Japan. Faculty of Engineering, Architecture, Urban Planning and International cooperartion.( until 31 march 2007), After ist May 2007. Councilar at Asian Disaster Reduction Center.

Discipline(s) : Phd. on Engineering

Établissement d’enseignement : Professor at Architectuture and Unban Planning
Sujet et directeur de thèse : Formation and development of Congested Residential Area renewal in Indonesia / Comparison of Renewal Cases of Indonesia,Japan and Singapore.
Domaine(s) d’intervention : architecture / urbanisme

Adresse professionnelle : Wakihana-Kaigan-dori 1-5-2, Hito-mirai-kan 5th floor, Chu-o-ku, Kobe city, Japan 651-0073
Téléphone : 082-424-7841 )until 31th March 2007), after 1st May 2007 : +81(0)78-262-5540
E-mail : (until 31th March 2007) after 1st May 2007 :

Thématiques et périodes des principaux travaux de recherche (3 maximum) : 
1. Formation and Betterment of the Saijo Sakagura (wine sellar) District
2. Case Example of Vitalization of the Old City Area by Openning the Sake Library / Saijo (Higashi-hiroshima)
3. Housing & Urban Policy of a Local City, Conservation of a Histric Environment of Sake Celler Town Saijo

Langues pratiquées et niveau (Lu, écrit, parlé / Notions) 
English, Indonesian, et poor French

Brief Personal History

A. Name:    YOKOBORI, Hajime 
B.Present Occupation:(until 31th March 2007)

  1. Professor,Division of Architecture and City Planning, Department of Social & Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering and International Cooperation, Hiroshima. University. (A national university )

* Councilar at Asian Disaster Reduction Center.( After ist May 2007.) 
2. Lecturer at Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) on Urban Planning, Living Environments,  etc.

C.Date of Birth: March 30, 1944
D.Place of Birth: Tokyo Japan

2001 Ph.D. Conferred by Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo University for a thesis entitled “Formation and Development of renewal Cases in Congested Residential Areas in Indonesia / A Comparison of Renewal Cases in Indonesia, Japan and Singapore”
1970 Graduated from Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo University.
1968 Graduated from Department of Electronics,Faculty of Engineering,Tokyo

F.Educational Work Experience 
2003  Transfer job from UDC (Urban Development Corporation) to Hiroshima University
2001  Asked to work as a lecture at Chiba University on “Problems of Urban renewal and its Implementation” 
1997 Asked to work as a lecturer at Meikai University on “Urban Development Practice”
1988 Invited by MSU (Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan USA) as a visiting professor in Urban Program. Have been giving lecture on “Urban Development Practice in Asia”
1983  Engaged as a lecturer and coordinator of training courses at the JICA teaching subject such as Architecture Engineering, Urban Development, City Planning and Housing Policy. This work continues up to present.

G. Project Implementation Work Experience:
2002 Engaged as a chief coordinator for “CIB Tokyo Conference 2002 / Urban Regeneration and Placemaking for the 21st Century” which was held on September 25-27.
1992 Engaged as a director of the Housing Planning Promotion Division for a housing project at Tama New Town in Tokyo.
1988  Engaged as a director of the Renewal Promotion Division, at the West Shinjuku  Urban Renewal Project Office. 
1984 Engaged in various research studies on human settlement sponsored by the United Nations IYSH( International Year of Shelters for Homeless)program.
1982  Engaged as a planner after returning from Jakarta, to promote mixed use urban housing projects.
1979  Dispatched to Jakarta as an expert on Housing & Urban Renewal for three years for the Housing Bureau, Ministry of Public Works, Republic of Indonesia. Cooperating task in promotion of the first experimental renewal projects in Jakarta.
1976 Engaged as a planner in promotion of urban renewal projects in congested low-rise, high density wooden housing areas in Tokyo.
1973 Worked at MOC(Ministry of Construction, forerunner of the Ministry of Land,
 Infrastructure and Transportation) for two years in charge of urban renewal policy.
1971  Engaged as a planner in coordinating a development project for high-rise housing complex on ex-factory site in Tokyo.
1970 Entered JHC (Japan Housing Corporation, forerunner of UDC). Engaged as a construction supervisor for walk-up flats ands a high-rise apartment building in Tama New Town.

H:Overseas ex experience
Since participating in one and half month study tour in Europe dispatched by JHC in 1978, I have visited 35 countries, such as the UK, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Sweden, Hungary, Austria, the Czech, Italy, Spain, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand Vietnam, China (Shanghai, Beijing), Hong Kong, Taiwan, the USA, Egypt, Kenya, etc. to give lectures, participating international conference, etc.

I:Academic activity
1.Member of City Planing Institute. (A member of the Committee for Refereeing Thesis from 2000 to 2002)
2.Member of the Association of Urban Housing Sciences(Ex-member of the Bulletin Editorial Committee member since 1997). 
3.Member of the Architectural Institute.( A committee member of architectural design group)

J:Professional Qualifications
1.Qualified Architect,Class 1(tested under Government Supervision) 
2.Qualified Urban Renewal Coordinator(issued by Urban renewal Coordinator’s
3.Certificate of English Ability 1st grade(issued by JICA)・

1,“Takayama Eika Prize” awarded by the Urban Renewal Coordinator’s Association for the thesis titled “An urban renewal project which maintained the principle of the perpetuation of former function / Nishi-shinjuku Urban renewal Project, Mixed used of super high-rise offices, stores and housing in 1993
2. “City Planning Institute. Ishikawa Shoreisho(encouragement) Prize” awarded by the City Planning Institute for the issuing a book titled “A Book to Easily Understand Town making / Taking up Urayasu city as an Example” in 2000.

L.Linguistic Skills: 
1、Technical English and Indonesian.
2、Daily conversational French
3、Greeting level Spanish and Russian

M. Hiroshima. University Address.(until 31th march 2007)
#A-743,  1-4-1 Kagami-yama, Higasi-hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima-ken, Japan
739-8527    Tel & fax +81(0)824-24-7841(direct)
< after 1st May 2007 > Wakihana-Kaigan-dori 1-5-2, Hito-mirai-kan 5th floor, Chu-o-ku, Kobe city, Japan 651-0073
 : +81(0)78-262-5540

Home page:
(So far only in Japanese language)

N. Home Address
<Until March 2007>Saijo-nishi-honchou 26-9 #302, Higashi-hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima-ken  Japan  739-0013        Tel 082-421-7667     (hand phone) 090-1013-9231
<After 1st may 2007> Kobe city